When new users of Perspective VMS™ are looking at the camera viewer and archives module, LENSEC trainers will point out the camera header displays. The header displays a camera streaming status icon, seen in the table below. The display also shows the camera name and the date/time relative to the video streaming (live video or archived recording).
Lead support technician and PVMS trainer, Larry McClelland, says, “by familiarizing users with the camera header and camera status icons below, I can equip customers to answer this question without needing to rely upon tech support”.
If the camera viewer header selection is chosen as “visible on mouse over” within the user profile, then moving the mouse over a container will display the header. The header can be made active for moving or controlling in a group by clicking on the header itself. A black header indicates the camera is not selected while a blue header denotes it is active for selection.
If integrator technicians need support, call (713) 395-0800 x1371 or email [email protected] for assistance.