LENSEC Professional Services
Professional design services and consultation are necessary prerequisites for a properly designed security and surveillance system.
Developing an understanding of the environment, personnel, policies, and other site-specfic constraints is a primary goal of our professional services team. From a simple site walk to a full-blown vulnerability assessment, LENSEC utilizes years of expertise in the field to ensure each project is managed efficiently and intelligently.
LENSEC’s professional services offerings are in conjunction with our technology and integration partners. Enabling experts in different facets to communicate together project by project is a true differentiator in the LENSEC approach.

Professional Services Summary
Custom Map Configuration
LENSEC engineering provides custom and interactive map development. Map design development is done in Adobe Photoshop and/or Illustrator. Design will be incorporated into the Perspective VMS® interface showing camera locations.
SQL or Custom Report Development
Custom development of cross-query reports fro manual or automatic generation within either Perspective VMS® or the related SQL database structure itself.
Specification Design
Construction and/or architectural engineering design and specification for LENSEC products to be used within a bid specification or design-build scope of work for an end-user or agency.
Video Server Configuration
Site installation and/or server configuration includes server integration with Perspective VMS®. This covers network programming for the server with cameras and devices, access to user maps, configuration of software to allow web control, configuration of software for remote diagnostics and end-user training.
Custom Software Development
LENSEC can provide custom software scripting development or application-based integration.
Onsite Field Diagnostic Services
Field diagnostic services offer engineering troubleshooting and technical support for security management solutions. LENSEC will provide a certified field support technician/engineer to assist the integrator in a diagnostic troubleshooting and support role directly to a field location.
Site Commissioning
Site commissioning of projects which include Perspective VMS®.
Field-based Systems Integration
Integration of security/IT/low-voltage sub-systems into an overall security management solution while onsite at the project location.
Remote Systems Integration
Integration of security/IT/low-voltage sub-systems into an overall security management solution from a remote access site.
Vulnerability Assessment
The LENSEC assessment process includes, identifying, quantifying, and prioritizing the vulnerabilities at a site or within a particular sub-system.
Custom Server Configuration and Ordering
Upon providing a system scope (camera model type/resolution, estimated motion %, codec preference, FPS, and archive retention targets), LENSEC engineering can design and price a Perspective VMS® Optimized Server for resale from one of our PC manufacturer partners.
Custom Software Development
LENSEC can provide custom software scripting development or application-based integration.
Onsite Field Diagnostic Services
Field diagnostic services offer engineering troubleshooting and technical support for security management solutions. LENSEC will provide a certified field support technician/engineer to assist the integrator in a diagnostic troubleshooting and support role directly to a field location.
LENSEC – Software Maintenance and Monitoring
Software Maintenance
This software maintenance support plan entitles the customer to all versions (minor and major) and hotfix releases (incremental) for the software product purchased during the service period. The plan Includes email and telephone technical support for software related issues. It also includes access to our knowledge base, FAQs, release notes, and any forthcoming documentation for the software product purchased. The service contract will be valid for one year and service extension can be acquired based on mutual evaluation and agreement. LENSEC Software Maintenance is an optional agreement issued per camera license and renews annually.During the period of the service contract, a block of time for LENSEC Professional Services may be provided, as pertains to the particular scope and size of the project. All active maintenance customers receive loyalty preferred pricing on select LENSEC software products and professional services.
- Access to our extensive knowledge base
- Release Notes and Documents
- Major Version Release Updates
- Primary Releases (e.g. 2.x or 3.x)
- These releases provide newer functionality or discovery relating to function or reporting such as:
- Enhanced product integrations (devices and software)
- Innovative new modules offering both core and ancillary feature additions
- Minor Version Release Updates
- Incremental Releases (e.g. 1.1.x to 1.2.x)
- These releases provide improvements/modifications to function or reporting such as:
- Improvements to Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Increased number of pre-configured reports and database views
- Hotfixes/Bug Fixes
- Revisions (e.g. 1.1.1 to 1.1.2)
- These releases provide code fixes such as:
- Modifications to functional process
- Partner manufacturer updates and integration revision
- Software Technical Email and Phone Support
- Up to 8 hours of LENSEC Professional Services (Remote)
- Loyalty Pricing
- Active maintenance customers receive preferred pricing on select LENSEC software products and professional services
LENSEC – Remote Monitoring
This remote monitoring support plan entitles the customer to all version (minor and major) and hot-fix releases (incremental) for the software product purchased during the service period. Includes email and telephone technical support for software related issues as well as access to our knowledge base, FAQs, release notes, and any forthcoming documentation for the software product purchased. During the period of the service contract, up to 8 hours of LENSEC Professional Services may be provided at no additional charge, as pertains to the particular scope and size of the project. All active maintenance customers receive loyalty preferred pricing on select LENSEC software products and professional services. This service includes LENSEC’s Remote Status Monitoring (RSM). RSM helps ensure maximum uptime of your system by proactively monitoring the up/down status of each camera and server in your surveillance network. If a camera or server is determined to be off line, LENSEC’s customer service professionals will remotely diagnose and attempt to remedy the problem to ensure your system is always online and operational. In the event of a hardware failure, LENSEC’s customer service team can work remotely with customer’s own server support personnel to have them retrieve the defective device and return to LENSEC for repair/replacement if the hardware is covered under warranty. In addition to RSM, server assessment reports, remote diagnostic support and remote hardware support are offered in this support plan. The Remote Monitoring fee will be valid for one year and service extensions can be done on initial evaluation and agreement. The fee is paid annually per license. The Software Plus Fee may be itemized separately in the proposal. LENSEC Remote Status Monitoring is an optional agreement issued per camera license in addition to Software Maintenance Plus maintenance plans.
All Features above in “Software Maintenance Plus” +
- Remote Status Monitoring (RSM)
- Notification of exceptions via email
- Emergency Situation Support (ESS)
- Server Assessment Reports
- Reports that show what the server has and its installation history
- Remote Diagnostic Support
- Supporting a server from our technical team by assisting in tracking root causes for exceptions
- Remote Hardware Support
- Support of hardware related issues through common troubleshooting