PVMS Advanced Video Analytics Available

LENSEC continues to add great features to Perspective VMS®. From software integration with technology partners to features that come from customer feedback, PVMS continues to evolve into a great tool for managing any security footprint. A newer feature that PVMS makes available is video analytics. Engineers have incorporated some nice capabilities for helpful, intelligent video analytics that can be added to the software.

Perspective VMS® Offers Advanced Video Analytics

Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR)

LENSEC has chosen a few significant video analytics that stand out from the basic offering. Now, Perspective VMS® offers Automatic License Plate Recognition and Face Recognition. These two advanced video analytics are game changers in the industry. They allow tracking of key information that can cross reference a database and flag users when certain criteria are met.

Perspective VMS® Captures License Plate Detail with ALPR Video Analytics

When ALPR is in use and a license plate is detected by security cameras, Perspective VMS® will tag the information and store it in the database. The information can trigger an alert for users. A report can also be generated to show relevant information, such as a picture of the plate and vehicle, and more.

Perspective VMS® ALPR Provides Reporting of Captures LP Details

Face Recognition

Face Detection and Face Recognition are also advanced video analytics that are helpful. These may sound alike, but they are different. Face Detection is a simple analytic that detects the presence of human faces within the video image generated by the security camera.

Perspective VMS® Face Recognition Video Analytics

Face Recognition goes well beyond this capability. When the end-user has a database of photos, such as employees, the video analytic algorithm is designed to recognize certain characteristics of the face and compare it to the database pictures on file. It can compare the pictures and find matches in the database. This, of course, takes the analytic capability to the next level.

Now, Perspective VMS® can notify users when a potentially unauthorized person is detected. This is helpful for deployment in secure areas where certain personnel might be restricted. In addition, this feature also includes a report that can be generated, showing matches of known individuals in the database. Video can also be tagged for future forensic review.

Perspective VMS® offers these advanced video analytics along with a wide range of capabilities available as add-ons for Enterprise or Professional Edition software. These analytics can be purchased individually or as a bundle and are sold per device. If you are interested in learning more, please contact our physical security experts for more details. You can reach our team at [email protected] or by phone at (713) 395-0800.