PVMS Feature – Fast Find

PVMS Feature Fast-Find

Perspective VMS™ has so many great features that LENSEC physical security specialists don’t get to talk about all of them when we meet with customers. For example, a great feature that can provide a lot of power is the Fast Find video search.

Fast Find uses advanced video motion detection (VMD) to find action in a specified segment of the video. Standard VMD will watch the entire scene for changes in pixels to determine motion and flag an alert to users. Fast Find takes that function to the next level.

The user can define an area of the video image by drawing a box around it. By then searching forward or backward in the video recording, motion events within the pre-defined section will populate in a list along with a thumbnail. This gives users a chance to review the motion event limited to activity occurring within the search area. The user can eliminate any motion outside of the defined area easily find action within the scene. This is great for searching for objects left behind or stolen items.

If you’re interested in learning more about PVMS features, the Perspective VMS Features List is available on our website. Or, you may call us at (713) 395-0800 or email [email protected] for a software demonstration.