Share View is a Favorite Feature in Perspective VMS®

Physical security experts at LENSEC consider the Share View feature in Perspective VMS to be a great tool for collaboration in the software. The Share View function is found in the action panel and provides a capability for pushing any view to another user on the system. This is helpful when your using the camera viewer, the archives module, or saving your work, making it easier to resume later.

Jeff Kellick, LENSEC Chief Product Officer

Jeff Kellick recently shared with LENSEC partners in a certification training about Share View. Kellick says, “Share View is definitely in the top five. What’s great about this?

When I’m working in archive and I find what I’m looking for. If want to convey that information to another user, I have to describe the time code for each video clip and the camera identification for each clip. That’s a lot of information to convey for just a few cameras.

And, then the user has to try and get it right to that point to get what I’m trying to tell him. Well, you could do that… Or, you could just hit Share View. It will send the message, showing up in the Share View area of the event panel. I can also push that Share View immediately to user, overriding whatever he’s doing, and force this view upon him. Or, I can just prompt him to navigate to view it.”

PVMS Share View Detail

Another way to use Share View is with a public view monitor. The user can set up the view arrangement on their workstation and push the view immediately to override what is there. This can be done without even accessing the workstation powering the monitor view.

Kellick says, “You can just save this and send it to yourself and it will end up showing in your shared views.  Now, you can quickly navigate back to it, kind of like a work in progress. This is where I was. This is what I was looking at. You can bring that right back up and come back to it the next day.”

So, there are multiple aspects to the Share View Feature that are beneficial for users. LENSEC developers continue to listen to PVMS end-users and system integrators, looking for ways to advance and improve the software. Since LENSEC is an agile company, our developers prioritize feature requests, turning them around in a relatively short time compared to some companies.

In the video below, Kellick walks us through PVMS Share View, demonstrating the ease of using this feature.

If you’re interested in learning more about this feature or others available in Perspective VMS®, please contact our team for a demo or more information.