A Day In The Live Of Easy But Secure Access In A Unified Security Platform
By: LENSEC Staff
Combining the power of two security tools is never easy, but it is necessary and exactly what the end-user wants. Pairing the power of Perspective VMS® with the extensive access control features in RS2 Access It! Universal software creates a unified security platform that exceeds expectations. Here are a few scenarios that the integration between PVMS and RS2 can accomplish.

Scenario #1
You walk up to the door and present your badge to the reader but the door does not open. You think, “I’ll wait and follow someone in,” but you know the this is a security violation. Besides, the PVMS/RS2 anti-tailgating integration workflow will notify security and your boss. So, you push the intercom and connect to the GSOC in undisclosed location in another state. They ask you for your employee ID number and let you in remotely. The PVMS integration lets the remote operators see you and they can remotely pulse the door lock, letting you in. This feature utilizes the access control integration with RS2.

Scenario #2
COVID-19 is rampant and to reduce the spread, the company policy is for all employees to wear a mask. You walk up to the door and it fails to open when you swipe your card. A small integrated IP speaker broadcasts a reminder that you must wear a mask while in the building. You put on your mask and swipe again and this time the door lock releases, letting you in. The integration with PVMS/RS2 with Facemask Detection are communicating in the background to recognize the pre-defined parameters and the entire process is seamless and invisible to you.

Scenario #3
Important packages need to be delivered after-hours but the company is short-staffed for the late shift. You’re expecting a package, but not sure who will hear or even answer the door during the evening shift. As a PVMS authorized user, you can monitor the door remotely for the delivery. Now, you can pulse and unlock the door remotely, letting the courier in with your package without any delays.
With the PVMS/RS2 integration deliveries can be occur at any time of day. Events are automatically logged in PVMS for monthly reports. Video verification and PVMS workflows simplify the process for you and enable real power via a unified security platform when combines with RS2 Access It! Universal access control hardware and software.
If you would like to find out more about how the PVMS/RS2 integration works, please reach out to us to schedule a demo. We can show you the power of Perspective VMS® and RS2 Access It! Universal Access Control.