By: Keith Harris
What a year 2020 has been. Everyone is seeing challenges. Whether business owners are implementing new cleaning protocols, developing social-distancing policies for the workplace, or learning how to approach their market in a new way, all are experiencing change at a rapid rate.
The security industry is no different. We are seeing rapid adjustments by technicians tasked with installing security equipment under new guidelines. VAR partner companies are prospecting and selling their services to end-user companies in different ways. We’re even seeing new technology in the market that addresses the new normal. This includes hardware such as cameras to detect elevated body temperatures in personnel, video analytic algorithms designed to detect compliance with face mask policies, and more.

At LENSEC, the team is adjusting to these challenges and facing them head-on. We are committed to keeping people safe and assets secure. In recent weeks, we’ve talked with experts from a variety of different industries. Experts from schools, healthcare administration, faith-based organizations, and retail corporations have shared best practices they’ve been working to get in place since COVID-19 came on the scene.
The reality is the challenges are forcing us all into considering whether previous practices are safe. At LENSEC, we are evaluating technology that can help companies remain secure and keep their personnel and customers safe.
The team from LENSEC is looking to Video Analytics to help companies implement and enforce new policies put in place at businesses during the pandemic. Prevention is key in this matter. Using video security cameras, and analytic algorithms, company leaders can gain instant information on how many people are occupying space in key areas.

With the prevention of contact in mind, video analytics provides a social-distancing tool, ensuring personnel and customers are maintaining a standard of 6 feet between others in their area. Our partners providing video analytics have experience in developing algorithms that detect a variety of activities. One new technique is evaluating whether people are wearing face masks or not.

While contact tracing might be a controversial subject in the public forum, it can be an essential tool for some companies. A unified security footprint, including access control, video surveillance, and visitor management might be very helpful in certain environments to track the movement of people.
When a person has been identified as a risk for COVID-19, it becomes important to understand who that person has been in contact with. Forensic investigation of surveillance video and access control logs might lead to the discovery of potential contacts. Management would have more information available to make proper policies and procedures, helping to prevent the spread of the disease.
A good plan by an end-user company is enhanced by relevant technology and goes directly toward the goal of keeping people safe during a challenging time.
If you need assistance developing a plan for implementing technology to enhance a unified security footprint, contact the LENSEC team for more information. We are available to demonstrate existing technology or develop a new way to approach challenges in your workplace.